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South Fork of the Snake River Fishing Report 6/20/24

happy fishermen on the South Fork of the Snake River

Palisades Reservoir is now 100% full and flows are coming down on the South Fork as water managers match inflow and outflow to keep the reservoir full.  Projected flow today is 13,150 cfs, quite a difference from 20,000 last week.  Our guides and guests have reported a big improvement in the fishing this week.  It’s certainly easier to get flies where the fish are at these flows.  With warm temperatures headed our way this weekend and some much better flows we will start to see some dry fly fishing in the next week or so, certainly two weeks from today the fishing conversation will be much different.  Our guides are already jostling for position each morning as our outfitting permit allows us to put 12 boats on the river each day but only 4 per section.  This time of year our guides are trying to get down on the lower river to get first crack at any dry fly fishing.

Until that magic day comes, any day now, the same nymphs and streamers we’ve been talking about for weeks will be your best bets for success.  Various stonefly nymphs, tungsten jig nymphs, worms, mops etc.  Fish on the lower river are definitely targeting the big stonefly nymphs so having a variety of those in various sizes and colors and even weights is important.  Generally black and brown size 4 and 6 weighted rubberlegs work best.

If you need any flies or last minute gear, swing by our Swan Valley Fly Shop or give us a call.  Fly Shop: 208.483.2727 Lodge: 208.483.2222

Have a great weekend out there!

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