Hi, Fishing Friends. The big news this week was the fishing reports coming in from the main Snake River below American Falls reservoir. If you’re looking for some truly spectacular fishing and the real possibility of landing a trout over 30 inches call our shop or contact us for details on a guided trip to this unique fishery.
As far as the South Fork goes, we’re having some great fishing. Fishing below the dam is very good with rainbows in full spawn it’s a great time to help save the cutthroat by keeping a few (dozen) rainbows. Flows were bumped up 500
The weather this weekend isn’t looking much better than last weekend so there won’t be too many people out and about. I would focus on fishing from the Dam to the Bridge or from Byington down. If you do launch at the dam plan on spending some time there harassing the rainbows and don’t forget they aren’t the only ones chasing eggs around, we are seeing brown trout holding near the spawning rainbows looking for a free meal.
Flies and tactic remain the same as last week’s report. I would just add that if you’re nymphing now is a good time of year to leave your favorite egg pattern on as egg patterns are top producers right now. If glow bugs aren’t your game, streamers are a great option to mix things up.
Give us a call if you need a shuttle or more specific fishing details. 208.483.2222. See you out there!