We are kicking off a new series of fishing reports, where we will be interviewing and getting to know a new guide each week.This week’s fishing report is brought to you by Scott Reimer. Scott was on the river several days this past week both for work and for pleasure. He got to fish from Wolf to Heise for fun this week a nice combo between sections 3 and 4…I’m jealous. The lower river warms up first so we typically see the good dry fly fishing start “down low” and move towards the lodge.
Scott reports good fishing with most fish caught on nymphs. He did report a few fish looking up on PMD’s and BWO’s and his clients did catch fish on dry flies but only in select spots. Everyone is really excited as the river is poised to “go off” and Scott is no exception. It’s just a matter of time before we start seeing little yellow sallies, green drakes, PMD’s and Salmon Flies.
With stable flows and good weather in the forecast, Scott things we’ll start seeing the “big bugs” in a matter of days. You can keep up with Scott’s river antics by following him on Instagram @reimer86trout