Today’s fishing report comes from Buck Leonard….except I didn’t get a hold of him hahaha. Buck has been guiding at The Lodge at Palisades Creek for years and before that guided on area rivers for Teton Valley Lodge. To say he is experienced is an understatement and if you have ever fished with Buck you know he’s learned the river his own way. He ties his own flies all winter and rarely if ever fishes any flies from the shop.

The South Fork is his speciality and the flies and tactics he uses are special and unique to his boat. Fishing with Buck, you are guaranteed to learn some new tricks and see things you’ve never seen before.

So how’s fishing? Well thanks to good flows of cool water out of Palisades Dam our fishing is holding up nicely. Still seeing good action on Golden Stones and PMD’s. A few fish are being caught on hoppers and don’t forget to try a beetle or an ant. For the best success try rigging several rods. Right now I would have 3 going. A 5 weight with a Golden Stone and a bead head dropper, a 4 weight with a parachute PMD and PMD emerge behind it, and 6 weight with a stonefly nymph and a bead head. This way you are ready for banks, riffles, deeper drop offs.

The flow is steady at 12,500 cfs but average for this time of year is closer to 9,500so I’d expect (and hope) to see the water start to drop in the coming days.
Have a great weekend!