As we move well into September you can tell there is just a hint of Fall in the air and the river is reflecting that both in flow, hatches, and fishing. The flow has dropped from 9500 over the weekend to 8200 cfs today. This drop in the flow kicked off more “Mutant” Golden Stones so going out early and twitching your favorite Chernobyl Ant pattern remains effective. Later in the day trailing that same pattern with small beadhead will turn some heads.
With the bright sunny weather in the forecast this week there probably won’t be great dry fly hatches but don’t be afraid to throw your favorite terrestrial patterns and if the fish just refuse to look up a two fly nymph rig is your next step.
With the Jackson Hole One Fly being held this weekend there will surely be some anglers out this week testing their theories and patterns for a good weekend the past several years small streamers have performed really well so don’t be afraid to throw a streamer to tempt some hungry trout.
If you have questions, need flies, shuttles, or a guide give us a call. 208-483-2222
Have a great weekend!