Well, here we sit with a totally different year than the last three. The water is gin clear and runoff is on the down swing. It wasn’t much to begin with. We have had warmer than average temperatures with cool nights causing the little bit of snow to melt slow and easy. The rainbow fishing has been EPIC all spring. Check our FaceBook page for pictures. The guides have had only a few trips as this time of year has been a tough sale in the past few. The boys fished section four yesterday and got over 40 fish on dry dropper rigs. The water temperature is rising quickly and we anticipate an early salmon fly hatch. You read this correctly. It should be EARLY this year. Dry fly fishing as the summer progresses should be the best we have seen in years. If you can, crawl, walk, drive, fly do what ever it takes to get out here. We have super discounted rates on lodging and guided fishing through Father’s Day Weekend. The cutthroat are reported to have started their migration into the tributaries for the spawn. A week early. This is the one we have been waiting for!!!!!!! Fly Fishing on the South Fork of the Snake river is and will be incredible this summer. Get ready and call us right away. 1-866-393-1613
Jaason with buddy Alan Olsen with a sweet 22″ Cutthroat on the upper last Sunday.